Targeted Quick Links

Help employees access the most frequently used applications

Link Tiles

Help employees access frequently used resources with colorful links.

Personalizable Banners

Greet employees by name when they open landing pages

Website-like News Carousels

Show news, events, and announcements more intuitively

Custom Branding

Use custom Colors, Fonts, and Icons for a consistent branding experience

Quick Polls

Engage employees and gather their input using interactive polls

Urgent Alerts

Communicate urgent alerts clearly and instantly with on-demand site alerts

Process & Timeline

Show processes and steps for onboarding, company timeline, project progress and more

KPIs and Charts

Show company performance at a glance with these rich KPIs and Chart web parts

Color-Coded Calendar

See multiple calendars organized in a color-coded calendar

Heatmap Analytics

See exactly where your employees are clicking and how they engage with your intranet


Celebrate employees’ major milestones, birthdays, and anniversaries

Search Banner

Help employees find Forms and Templates at the top of the page.

Employee Directory

Help your employees find colleagues with Office365 or AD integrated staff directory

SharePoint Site Directory

Easy access to projects and teams in one spot

Posts Carousel

Show content from a variety of sources in a single place

Video Carousel

Show multimedia content from YouTube and other sources in a single place

Forms and Templates Directory

Provide a one-stop-shop for employees to find relevant forms and templates

Manuals and How-Tos Directory

Help your employees easily find manuals and how-tos from one reliable source

Policies and Procedures Directory

Give employees a one-stop-shop to find policies and procedures

Org Chart

Show organizational structure with an intuitive company org chart for your intranet


Save time by featuring the most commonly asked questions on your intranet pages

Bulletin Board and Social Corner

Connect employees by providing an area for employee message boards and idea submissions

SharePoint Mobile App Integration

A fully mobile intranet experience allows viewing content consistently from any device

Microsoft Teams Integration

Origami apps run within MS Teams and SharePoint giving employees more choices for accessing information

Google Analytics Integration

Integrate with Google Analytics to track site performance, usage data, and more, all across your intranet

Custom Script and Code App

Embed customs script and designs directly into your Origami intranet

Active Directory Integration

Origami apps always use up-to-date information from AD on-prem and Office 365

Stock Ticker App

Show stock information on your SharePoint page

Page Copy Tool

Copy a SharePoint page from one site to another.